Ideas for Gender Reveal Party Decorations

gender reveal balloons Gender reveal decorations

The most obvious option is having lots of blue and pink decorations. You can buy gender reveal party supplies and make food to match with the help of blue and pink food dye. For unique gender reveal party decorations, here are some ideas:

  • A LOT... I mean, A LOT of pink and blue balloons! Balloons are easy, fun and exciting decorations. They are also a good present for little kids to take home afterwards.

  • No matter what theme you choose, you can hang a banner over the front door asking the question that’s on everyone’s mind: “He or she? Come in to see!” or simply, “Boy or girl?”

  • One of your decorations could double as a game. For example, if your theme is señor or señorita, use a gender reveal piñata as a centrepiece.

  • It is very popular to order/make themed cookies and cupcakes and have them on offer for your guests. 

  • For the moustaches or lipsticks theme, place bowls of fake moustaches and bright pink lipstick on a table so that your guests can pop one on and be part of the decorations, too. This also works well for the bows or bowties theme.

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